About AVCalc LLC
AVCalc LLC was established in 2014 by Alexander Vilens to continue development, marketing and support of the ever growing in popularity, the conversions and calculations, Aqua-Calc.com web app. Mr. Vilens had published the very first version of the web app back in 2005 to help his friends to calculate how much gravel is needed to attain a specific depth in their aquariums, hence the domain name Aqua-Calc.com. Now the web app includes more than a million calculators, conversions, reference and tutorial pages. See Aqua-Calc about page for detailed information about Aqua-Calc current features and capabilities, and the news page for recent changes to Aqua-Calc.
AVCalc LLC is located in Hoboken, New Jersey in the United States.
You can contact us online using this form or our support forum.
You can also reach us by telephone at (+1) 201 222-9191.
Our DUNS number is 09-419-3270.